NOW,… why is it currently making headlines?
On 19 November 2020, The Constitutional Court, ushered in a monumental change to the (COIDA) COID Act 130 of 1993 – Domestic Employees will now be covered by the Act!
Whilst this is indeed great news, you might be wondering…what is COIDA, and why is this change suddenly making headlines now in 2023?
Not sure what COIDA is?
Fortunately for you, we wrote a blog post about it a little while ago. Follow this link: https://sme.tax/coida-compensation-for-occupational-injuries-and-diseases-act-what-is-it for a quick refresher 😊
Now, …why is it currently making headlines?
Well, the short answer is, those changes from 2020 became law in April 2023!
So, what now? I sense you thinking.
Well firstly, if you employ a domestic worker who works more than 24 hours per month, you should have already registered with the Department of Employment and Labour for their monthly UIF contributions. If not, hurry and do this now, as it is a legal requirement.
Once registered as an employer, you will need to submit a statement of earnings paid (Return of Earnings) before the 30th June 2023.
This submission will cover the 2022 period from 28th February 2022 to 31st March 2023.
This change is monumental in that domestic employees now have the same workplace rights as formal employees. Will this change encourage more home employers to forgo employing domestic workers due to the additional red tape and “cost”?
Whilst affordability in a shrinking economy is definitely on a lot of people’s minds, we believe many home employers, whilst hating the additional red tape, will welcome providing an additional layer of security for their employees.
Our Services:
At SME.TAX we do more than just assist clients with UIF and COIDA.
We are your “one-stop SME shop”, assisting with everything from Accounting, Business Management, BEE, Consulting, Company Registration to Payroll and Mentoring.
For more information, please visit our website www.sme.tax or give us a call on 012 021 0829.